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The power of facebook advertising in Dubai

The Power of Facebook Advertising in Dubai

Dubai is an emerging business hub, with a large population. With over 3 billion active users Facebook is the most popular social media platform. Facebook is one of the most popular and free social media platforms used by businesses to promote their products or services.

The power of Facebook advertising in Dubai allows businesses to integrate e-commerce functionalities directly into their Facebook page. Beyond this Facebook allows businesses to engage with their customers by creating pages and responding, commenting, and reviewing their pages. This helps businesses to build a community of loyal customers.

Insights are a powerful function of Facebook. We can track the customer’s behaviour and then make strategies accordingly.

Benefits of Facebook Advertising in Dubai for businesses

Facebook advertising becomes an essential tool for businesses because it is a cost-effective way to touch a huge target audience.

Targeted Advertising

In Facebook ads, we target a specific audience based on demographics and interests. This ensures that the ad is shown to the right people and increases conversion.

Increased Brand Awareness

Facebook Advertising exposes a business to many potential customers, increasing the brand’s visibility and awareness.


Facebook Advertising is an affordable mode of advertising for all businesses. We set the cost and budget of the advertisement on our own.

As most people in Dubai access Facebook through mobile devices, Facebook Advertising allows businesses to target users on their smartphones and tablets.

By following these tips and best practices outlined in this infographic, we sum up that Facebook advertising is a powerful tool for businesses, looking to reach the target audience and boost sales.


The average Facebook Page posts 1.68 times per day

  • More than half of those posts (52.5%) are link posts. That’s followed by:
  • Photo posts: 28.8%
  • Video posts: 17.1%
  • Status posts: 1.8%

The average engagement rate for a Facebook Page post is 0.07%

  • However, the rate varies substantially among post types, which may be an excellent reason to reconsider your content mix. Photo posts get the highest engagement at 0.12%, followed by:
  • Status posts: 0.11%
  • Video posts: 0.08%
  • Link posts: 0.04%

54.9% of Facebook users follow or research brands and products on the platform

Facebook ad revenue is expected to grow to $75.11 billion in 2024

Facebook’s potential advertising reach is 2.08 billion people

Facebook’s ad audience is 456.% male

The Power of Facebook Advertising in Dubai

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